You all should know by now that Linda Ikeji is a Lady I respect so much, a very strong, intelligent and creative lady! Before I started my blog I learnt a lot from her blog and it is really helping me today, I used to be a LIBer, or let me say once a LIBer, always a LIBer.....
Ok, I was going through Linda's LETTER TO LIBers this afternoon, it was a long letter trust me, with over 1,200 comments, Linda really poured out her mind. Here are some of what she said:
Now to the point of my letter. Just to clarify some things you probably have read about me:
*I don't belong to the illuminati...I'm not even sure I believe in its existence.
*I'm not a fraudster, wouldn't know how to defraud someone even if I tried.
*I'm not a blackmailer, never blackmailed anyone in my life, never will! I don't have the liver to do such, plus I was raised better than that. Don't know how anyone can stoop that low..
*I don't collect money from people to take down stories from my blog...that's like using my own hand to ruin myself. People can use it against you later, with evidence sef. Seriously, I would be foolish to do that. Any blogger would be foolish to do that. Don't do it! You either take down the story out of compassion or you don't!
*I've never dated Jim Iyke...I've only ever met him once in my life.
*I've never dated Ikechukwu the rapper, only met him a few times at events.
*I'm not dating any celebrity, don't plan to.
*I'm not a husband snatcher. I'd sooner cut my head off before I date a married man. The married man is not yet born.
*I'm not a runs girl...Jeez! Puke! Lol. That's beneath me. I've been working hard since I was 17 and only made it after I turned 30. I'm proudly self made...:-)
I don't know what else you've heard...but it's most likely not true. The only thing you can believe a little if you hear is that I'm rude. I'm not a rude person, most people will tell that I'm nice...but I can be rude. I have been rude. It depends on how you approach me. I'm great to most people I meet but a few people have seen the other side of me. Thing is; a lot of people want this and that from me. My phone never stops ringing with people making all kinds of requests...but I can't give everyone what they want. Sometimes I have to tell people off. Not verbally, it's mostly just ignoring people.
The one thing you can believe a lot about me is that I'm a gossip! Duh, I do that for a
Anyway, more stuff will be written about me and I'm cool with it. I write about people so it's only fair that others write about me. You know what they say;you get what you give!I know that. I understand it and I accept it. And I don't plan to respond to most of the talk...sometimes I will but most of the time I won't. You choose what you want to believe and what you don't. And those who are worried about my reputation, don't be! You see, when God stands by you, no one can bring you down. Plus none of the people writing are holier. Besides, it comes with being on top. So many people will try to bring you down, but you never ever give them the chance. They can try, just don't ever let them win.
The thing is, I plan to be around for a long time. I'm only 32 and I'm just starting. Blogging is just a starting point for me. I'm planning to build my own studio here in Lagos, produce TV shows and be a media mogul. That's my dream and I'm already on that path. I'm looking forward to my future!
Also I'm starting a youth empowerment program where I will not only guide and mentor young girls, but also help finance their small scale businesses. That starts in August. It's my way of giving back.
Having said all that let me give advice to all the young people reading this:
1. What people think about you is not important...because they will have an opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. But remember, it's what you think about yourself that matters the most. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're less than what you are. Never let anyone make you think low of yourself. Always think up. Remember, whatever you think about yourself, that's what you are!
2. You can be anything you want to be. For all the dreamers out there, here's something you need to know. The time while you're waiting for your dreams to come true is not a bad time. All you have to do is keep moving, keep believing, keep fighting, keep working hard and keep praying. You see the God we serve? He's not a foolish God. He's a marvellous God. His ways are not our ways. There's an appointed time for everything. When He's ready for you, you won't believe what hit you. When your dream takes off, you're going to be running, trying to keep up with it. Your dreams will come true because you deserve it. Just never give up! I'm a living testimony!
3. Remember, one day this life will be while you're still here, you must live the best life you can. You owe that to yourself. Feel as much love, as much joy, as much happiness as you can handle. You can have a good life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve good things. Be good to yourself and others and all good things will come to you.
All the best!!!
I will be missing in action on LIB for at least 24 hours. After 20 days here,I'm flying back home.
Catch you soon.
I love this lady! Go girl, u r da bomb!
ReplyDeletei luv her too